The Crucifixion: The Consummation of the Marriage

On the cross, Jesus is joined to His Bride, the Church, in an everlasting covenant. The wedding has begun, but it is not yet fully complete. The ultimate union of God and His people will be brought to fulfillment when the Bridegroom returns and takes His Bride with Him.

Christ’s saving love is the love of the eternal Bridegroom for His Bride. We are invited to share in this eternal communion with God. This is the central message of the Gospel, the very meaning and purpose of our existence.

Voices of the Church

Like a bridegroom Christ went forth from his chamber…. He came to the marriage-bed of the Cross, and there in mounting it, he consummated his marriage. And when he perceived the sighs of the creature, he lovingly gave himself up to the torment in place of his bride, and joined himself to her forever. (St. Augustine, Sermo Suppositus, 120)


Lord, prepare me for the ultimate union with You by helping me unite myself to You now, in every aspect of my life. Amen.

The Church is precisely that body, which… receives from him… the fullness of salvation as a gift of Christ, who “gave himself for her” to the end. – TOB 90:5


This reflection is from Theology of the Body Rosary Meditations: Contemplating Christ’s Love for His Bride the Church. In the Theology of the Body (TOB) St. John Paul II affirmed what the Church Fathers, great saints and mystics have proclaimed throughout the ages: Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church is His Bride. Unveiling the spousal imagery contained in the Rosary, this little prayer book underscores the faithful, sacrificial love of God for His people. Like a brilliant thread woven throughout the Rosary, the nuptial love of God imbues each mystery — from the wedding proposal in The Annunciation to the consummation of the marriage in The Crucifixion. This book is an invitation to enhance your experience of praying the Rosary and deepen your love for Christ. Purchase book here.

TOB Rosary gift features our exclusive Theology of the Body rosary handcrafted in Italy by Ghirelli Rosaries. Purchase here.

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